Monday, May 14, 2012

Commitment to God

This week will be talking about order and balance in our priorities and our lives.  Often when we are not maintaining proper balance, we begin to struggle with time management, overcommitment, high levels of stress, depression, fatigue, loneliness, and lack of fulfillment.  So today let's address the absolute most vital and important area of our lives:  Commitment to God.  He is the reason we have life!  He is the creator of all things!  But often our commitment to him fades and he moves from our first priority to wherever we can squeeze him in.  We begin to slowly disconnect to the very purposes he has for our lives and begin chasing our own ideas and doing what feels best in the moment instead of remaining faithful through out each day.  As this happens, we begin to doubt Him and his greatness.  We take Him for granted, discredit Him and  lower His position of importance in our lives. When He is not number one, we can find ourselves without complete peace, stability, and assurance in our life journey.

Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord.  "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  He knows the plans he has for us!  And they are good plans!  The time we spend with Him in the mornings will help direct our paths towards His plans.  Ultimately, this will save us time, and free us from floundering about trying to figure things out on our own!

 If you asked yourself right now how much attention and commitment God is getting from you, what would your answer be?  Luke 10:27 says to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind.  He is the rock and the firm foundation our lives are to be built on.   So what does true commitment to God look like? 
  1. Schedule Him into your day.  Make him the first part of your day, every day.   Get up a little early... don’t reach for your phone or your computer, reach for your Bible and spend quality time talking to him.  When we consistently spend time in his presence we will build our spiritual muscles stronger each day. We become stronger to overcome obstacles, we find peace within our storms,  we feel more fulfilled and confident. In reality we are only as close to him as we want to be, and its up to us to  make the choice to grow with him.  
  2. Include Him in all that you do. He should be the center of all your duties and decisions.  Because you spend time with Him daily, you will begin to know His voice.  You will know which way to go for each decision you need to make.  He knows whether or not you should buy that car.  He knows if if taking this new job is a good idea.  Turn to Him first - not as a last resort.
  3. Surrender to His will for your life.  This may be the hardest thing to do.  He may lead you do something you don't understand, or don't want to do (for example, confessing a dishonest act at work), but trust in him to bring you out on the other side better off.  There may be unpleasant consequences initially for your obedience, but God will honor your obedience.  Trust in Him.
Keep in mind that a commitment is not for only when you feel like doing something.  A commitment means following through no matter what emotion you might be facing.  God honors the faithful seekers.  As you stay true to Him you will find your relationship with him will be stronger than ever!


  1. Just what I needed to hear today. Thank you my Lord for touching me.

    1. I feel the same way; He knows what we need exactly when we need it! One of many reasons to praise Him! <3
