Monday, July 9, 2012

Identity Crisis

 One of my favorite songs by Casting Crowns is Slow Fade.  It speaks to the destruction of a family through the sin of adultery, although the principle of the song can be applied to numerous sins, such as addictions to gambling, alcohol, and pornography.  The heart of the song speaks to the fact that this destruction does not occur overnight.  It is a slow progression of wrong choices, and things that may seem innocent in the beginning that lead to the eventual break down of a person and then the family.

In the case of adultery, it can start as a simple, flirtatious compliment from somebody that makes you feel good.  You return a harmless flirtation back, and it begins.  Especially in today's age of technology, with smart phones, texting, Facebook, emails... there are numerous ways to reach out to people and develop a relationship without even needing to see the person.  The problem occurs as you begin to look forward to these encounters and they begin to take over your thoughts.  You begin to notice all of the things that irritate you about your spouse, and you become completely consumed with this new "relationship".  The harmless flirtation progresses to overt sexual suggestions, and soon even that isn't enough anymore.  Before long you find yourself confronted with a decision - a black & white line that you would never have crossed in the past is now a little gray and less clear.  That one decision (after a series of "safer" wrong decisions) can lead to the destruction of two entire families.  This is why Jesus said that to even look at a woman with lust is wrong:

"You know the next commandment pretty well, too: 'Don't go to bed with another's spouse.'  But don't think you've preserved your virtue simply by staying out of bed.  Your heart can be corrupted by lust even quicker than your body.  Those leering looks you think nobody notices - they also corrupt." Matthew 5: 27-28 MSG

Once your heart is corrupted, you may face an identity crisis.  Previous to this, you were a child of God.  The Holy Spirit of God lived in you and led your daily choices.  Now- although you are still a child of God and have his Spirit within you- you are choosing to ignore your God and walk in outright sin.  You begin to believe that you have no right to even pray to God because you are living this life of sin.  You are distancing yourself from the most important relationship you will ever have.  He is still there, wanting to pull you out of this mess and save you and your families.  But you aren't listening.  Your character and the person you have always been begin to erode.  Speaking to a lost world about the goodness of the Holy Father becomes a challenge for you.  Who are you to talk to others about living a life for God, when you are living this life you have chosen for yourself?  Your testimony is tarnished.  You forget that the Spirit of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galations 5:22) are still within you.  You can choose to stop this downward spiral and reclaim the person you were created to be.

The enemy has come to destroy families.  His methods are insidious.  If you are not going through this in your own home, I guarantee you that you personally know somebody who is - although you may not be aware of it.  Please forward this to everyone you know - I am praying over each person who reads this devotion.  I am praying for the deception to end - that "good feeling" you get from whatever sin you are walking in is a lie.  It will not last, and it will destroy everything you have worked to gain in your life.  At the heart of your sin is a selfishness that must stop today.  Turn back to the Lord and pray for the desire to choose the right thing, as a first step.  And please know this:  your identity is secure.  You remain his precious child.  He will help you through this the very moment you allow him to.

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